Full Courses Taught
FINA 4221 Principles of Corporate Finance
University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Undergraduate Course (half-semester, 3 sections per year)
Overall Teaching Ratings (means across sections):
5.9 / 6.0 (Spring 2023)
5.9 / 6.0 (Spring 2022)
5.7 / 6.0 (Spring 2021, all sections online)
5.8 / 6.0 (Spring 2020, includes online section)
5.8 / 6.0 (Spring 2019)
5.7 / 6.0 (Spring 2018)
5.8 / 6.0 (Spring 2017)
FINA 6511 Options for Corporate Finance
University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
MBA Course (quarter-semester)
Overall Teaching Ratings:
6.0 / 6.0 (Spring 2023)
FINA 6111 Financing Over a Firm's Lifecycle
University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
MBA Course (quarter-semester)
Overall Teaching Ratings (means across sections):
5.8 / 6.0 (Fall 2023, online)
5.7 / 6.0 (Spring 2023, online and in-person sections)
6.0 / 6.0 (Fall 2022, online)
5.7 / 6.0 (Spring 2022, online and in-person sections)
6.0 / 6.0 (Fall 2021, online)
MSF 6223 Corporate and Entrepreneurial Finance
University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Masters in Finance Course (half-semester)
Overall Teaching Ratings:
5.7 / 6.0 (Spring 2023)
FINA 6241 Corporate Financial Analysis and Decisions
University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
MBA Course (semester-long, 1 section per year)
Overall Teaching Ratings:
5.8 / 6.0 (Spring 2021, hy-flex modality)
5.8 / 6.0 (Spring 2020)
5.9 / 6.0 (Spring 2019)
5.8 / 6.0 (Spring 2018)
5.7 / 6.0 (Spring 2017)
Sections Taught as Teaching Assistant
15.466 Functional and Strategic Finance
MIT Sloan School of Management
MBA/MFin course. Teaching Assistant for Robert C. Merton
Overall Teaching Ratings:
7.0 / 7.0 (Spring 2015)
6.8 / 7.0 (Spring 2014)
6.7 / 7.0 (Spring 2013)
15.414 Financial Management
MIT Sloan School of Management
Sloan Fellows Executive course. Teaching Assistant for Andrew W. Lo, Kathryn Kaminski, Dirk Jenter, Deborah Lucas
Overall Teaching Ratings:
6.5 / 7.0 (Summer 2014)
6.9 / 7.0 (Summer 2013)
15.434 Advanced Corporate Finance
MIT Sloan School of Management
MBA/MFin course. Teaching Assistant for R. David McLean, Nittai Bergman
Overall Teaching Rating: 6.0 / 7.0 (Fall 2013)
15.301 Managerial Psychology
MIT Sloan School of Management
Undergraduate course. Teaching Assistant for Andy Yap
Overall Teaching Rating: 6.1 / 7.0 (Fall 2013)
15.S06 Topics in Corporate Finance
MIT Sloan School of Management
EMBA/Sloan Fellows Executive mini-course. Teaching Assistant for Nittai Bergman
January 2013 (no teaching ratings collected)
Teaching Assistant, Finance Made Difficult 2012
MIT Sloan School of Management
Mini-course offered to MIT faculty. Teaching Assistant for John Cox, Leonid Kogan, Andrew W. Lo, Robert C. Merton, Stewart Myers, and Antoinette Schoar
Summer 2012 (no teaching ratings collected)